Bernadette Nason


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Award-winning, awfully English storyteller / actress /writer Bernadette Nason has been performing in America since 1993. She has been a Texas Commission on the Arts touring artist since 2002, and brings a theatrical flair to everything she does, both as an artist and in life.

In schools, libraries and festivals, Nason is sought after for her theatrical re-telling of multi-cultural folktales, bringing stories to life with facial expressions, character voices and unbelievable energy. She performs for over 20,000 people annually, mostly K-12. Her diverse range of programs is designed to entertain every age level and cultivate good listening / learning habits in all of them.

Nason's "grown-up" repertoire includes personal and family stories pulled from life in England, and the contrasting lifestyles of Africa and Arabia, where she lived for many years. Her anecdotal style is an unusual blend of storytelling and stand-up. With humorous self-deprecation, she draws from cultural experiences to highlight life lessons learned through her travels.

Nason's work has won many awards both as storyteller and actress, most recently the prestigious Austin Critics' Table Special Citation for "Conspicuous Versatility."

"Bernadette has charm, wit and an unequaled ability to engage children fully in her lively presentations. You would think she had a troupe of ten performers along with her as she performs her stories brimming with colorful characters and a wide range of emotion."
- Martha Winters, Director, Casa Montessori
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